GDPR Consultancy in Essex & London

We know what needs to be done and work with trusted partners to deliver a comprehensive data protection solution, as well as a wide range of supportive IT security measures. Speak to our specialists today to discover our GDPR consultancy services.

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The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies in the UK since 25th May 2018, and it is essential your business is compliant.

If your business stores any form of personal data, achieving and maintaining GDPR compliance is crucial.

Not only does this ensure you avoid significant fines and loss of reputation, but it will increase your trustworthiness in the eyes of customers, and help develop a culture of data privacy and security.

At Method, we’ve been through this process and can offer reliable expertise to make your business GDPR compliant. 


What is GDPR?

General Data Protection Regulation is an EU data protection directive, introducing a series of ‘data subject’ rights that are being introduced in 2018 to ensure that all EU residents have control over their personal data – and yes, GDPR will still affect the UK, despite our decision to leave the EU.

These rights include being able to obtain easily accessible information in plain language about the use of personal data and the personal data itself, ordering the alteration or deletion of incorrect personal data, the ability to restrict or object to the processing of personal data and more.


Why do I need to comply?

Any companies that do not comply with the new regulations and suffer data breaches will be subject to massive fines of up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million, whichever is greater.

Therefore, in the face of this potential financial penalty, and considering the risk to your reputation that non-compliance holds, GDPR compliance is essential. The easiest and surest way of doing this is employing the help of a GDPR consultancy firm, like Method IT.


What will we do?

We’ll assess your business’s IT systems and procedures, measuring it against the demands of these new data protection requirements and work alongside you as an extension of your business to fill in the gaps.

From helping you to review and assess your existing systems through to improving your cybersecurity systems and IT infrastructure, we’ll put together a bespoke action plan and be with you every step of the way.

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10 questions to ask a potential IT support provider

Our eBook covers 10 questions to ask a potential IT support provider — as well as an answer from us at Method — to help you choose the IT support company that’s right for you.