Online Data Backup Solutions in Essex & London

We’re renowned for our consultative approach throughout Essex and London. We’ll get to know your business inside and out to find a flawless solution that promises to keep your essential data secure. Speak to our specialists today.

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Cloud storage doesn’t always mean your data will be backed up

 Be it through a system crash, a nasty virus or even something as simple as accidental file deletion, losing your vital data can be detrimental to the operation of your business. 

Determining the best backup solution for your company, whether you’re a local business with just a handful of employees in Essex or a major player in the heart of London, depends on your priorities and requirements. Rest assured that Method IT will work with you to find the ideal online backup system.


What is online backup?

So, what is online backup? In its rawest form, this is copying the data from a local IT system to a secure, remote location. This means that, should disaster strike and your data is lost from the local system then you can easily retrieve it and even choose the version you wish to recover.

Online backup can either cover your entire IT system or just your files, and the beauty of Method IT’s online backup services is that your system will be perfectly tailored to your business.


Recovery point objective

In order to correctly identify the correct online data backup solution for you, there are two key questions that must be answered. Firstly, what is your recovery point objective? Put simply, if you lose your data to an accident or a malicious attack, will you require the latest version of your data possible or would restoring the data to the state in which it was left at the close of the last working day suffice? This informs how regularly off-site mirrored backups must be undertaken.


Recovery time objective

Secondly, what is your recovery time objective? Could you wait a day, a couple of hours or would it need to be restored within half an hour? It’s only once these questions have been answered that we can develop the best backup system for you.

And, if your answer is, ‘I have a lot files and folders, which I’d need restored to the latest version within two hours, should a complete system failure occur’, then you need a business continuity solution rather than an online backup system.

Download our eBook

10 questions to ask a potential IT support provider

Our eBook covers 10 questions to ask a potential IT support provider — as well as an answer from us at Method — to help you choose the IT support company that’s right for you.